Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Deer Day

Today is opening day for rifle season, and I stayed home from school. I don't hunt though. Basically, I didn't have a ride to and from school. So, I've been knitting, crocheting, and photographing things all day. 

I'm working on a new style of phone cozy. I'm probably going to make it look like a gameboy, or maybe an owl.

I've also been working on learning to knit. I think I pretty much know what I'm doing, I just need to practice a lot so it looks prettier. XP

This is Sora.

Sora decided it was cool to chew on my tiny crochet hook. So, now it's all bent up. THAT IS NOT COOL SORA. 

I also baked and made homemade McMuffins today, but of course I didn't think about getting my camera out until after I was done with all the baking and cooking. Poop.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy Deer Day. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Etsy Wants- Camera/ Photography Edition


First, I want this camera strap for when I get my Nikon D3000 next month.

I would also love to own this wonderful camera bag for when I get my Nikon D3000 next month.


These mustache photography props would make a photo shoot very fun.

This print is so freaking cute, I'd love to have it hanging above my bed. 


I've always wanted a cute camera pendent necklace.

And lastly, I would cuddle with this camera pillow every night!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Positive VS Negative

This past week has been busy in the sense that I go to school and come back so exhausted that I just go straight to sleep. I normally go to sleep around 5pm and sleep until 2 or 3 am. Totally not a healthy sleep schedule. I really need to fix this, along with a lot of other aspects of my life.

Along with really trying to find a better sleep schedule, I'm going to try to include more healthier things in my life. Like more salad, and exercise, and less drama and ice cream. I feel like there needs to be a healthy balance between the negative and positive in my life, and right now the negative is out weighing the positive.

I've been really grumpy and unhappy lately. And god knows I've been extremely rude. All of this needs to change. I need a change in life style. So, to all of those I've been short tempered with lately, I do apologize.

Since social media is a big thing in my life, I find it fitting to start there. I've been slowly going through my friends list and deleting the people who I actually don't know, or talk to. And I've been hiding people who are constantly negative in my news feed. There is no reason for me to be friends with all these people who I don't like, or annoy me.

It's not much, but it's a start. Finding the balance I'm looking for will probably take a while, but I'm bound and determined  Something has to change. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunrise rant of sorts

I normally hate getting up early in the morning, absolutely hate it. It's too early, it's too cold, and I am not a happy camper. Though, yesterday I pulled an all-nighter (stayed up for about 23 hours) and went to Grand Rapids with my mother. On the way there I caught the most beautiful sunrise. It reminded me how lovely it is in the morning, and made me want to start waking up earlier. Thus, I  got up at 6:15am this morning.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

7 Things

7 places I'd like to visit...
  1. London
  2. Berlin
  3. New York
  4. The Caribbean
  5. Paris
  6. Rome
  7. Tokyo 
7 things I'd like to make...
  1. More owl cellphone/ MP3/ Ipod cozies
  2. A backpack
  3. A new makeup pouch
  4. A t-rex plushie
  5. Poly-clay cameo pendants
  6. Tiny bottle charm necklaces
  7. Harry Potter scarves and hats
7 things that annoy me...
  1. Racism 
  2. Job interviews (Mostly because I'm bad at them and they make me nervous)
  3. Pretentious people
  4. When Taco Bell forgets to give me my cinnamon twists
  5. When my stupid "smart phone" dies after only three hours of use
  6. People who take 45 minutes to text back
  7. When people request custom orders, and then never claim them
7 things that make me happy...
  1. Shopping sprees in Hobby Lobby
  2. Packaging up orders
  3. Good Etsy feedback from happy customers
  4. Taking pictures of my cats
  5. Owl related things
  6. Fresh pens and notebooks/ journals
  7. Naps
7 movies that I love...
  1. Kiki's Delivery Service
  2. My Neighbor Totoro 
  3. Harry Potter films
  4. Beauty and the Beast
  5. The Lion King
  6. Sweeney Todd
  7. Pirates of the Caribbean
7 things I'd like to own...
  1. A typewriter
  2. A huge moleskin journal
  3. A fountain pen
  4. A Canon Rebel 
  5. A new laptop
  6. A endless supply of yarn and crochet hooks
  7. My own hybrid coffee-bookstore
7 favorite songs...
(These change daily)
  1. The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
  2. The Warrior by Scandal
  3. Someone Like you by Adele
  4. Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth
  5. Dairy of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
  6. New Soul by Yael Nail
  7. Don't Know why by Norah Jones

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bow Hair clips

I've been making lots of bows lately, I love them. Bow hair clips are the cutest! It takes me about 10 to 15 minutes to make each set, and I can make a lot of them out of a single skein. So, that allows me to be able to sell them 3 for $5. It's a good deal, for both me, and my customers. :)

Make sure to look for them in my shop!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Shop update and other random tidbits

I went to Red Robins for the first time ever yesterday. It. Was. Amazing. Honestly, the best burger I've ever had. It was so freakin' yummy! I also just updated my shop with some new items. 

I snagged this coaster from Red Robbins. I'm probably gonna pin it up on my wall at some point! :P

These are some of the 2 pronged alligator clips that I got from Hobby Lobby. Actually, Andreea bought them for me, because she is super awesome! :)

And these are my first batch of crochet bow hair clips! Which were included in my shop update! These are kind of an experiment. Basically each little set comes with one clip, and then three bows. The idea is that the bows are interchangeable. You just slip the clip in the back of the bows. 

And last but not least, new crocheted bow headbands! I really like all these colors. I can't wait until fall actually gets here, I'm going to make so many of these for myself! :)

Make sure to go check out the shop update for yourselves! 


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Granny Squares, Stress, and Daily Life

I haven't posted on here in a while. A lot has happened. I got my septum pierced, started a granny square afghan, rebuilt a bridge with an old friend, finally started freaking out about college. 
Life is good mostly, I just need to learn how to control stress and my anxiety better. And I've come to the point in my life where I need to do what's best for myself, and not worry so much about other people. Everything is going to be fine. 

Updates in pictures

My new project is to make myself a granny square afghan. I'm going to crochet 3 squares a day until I graduate next June, and then assemble a wonderful, huge, blanket for my dorm room. It's going to be bright blue and pink. 

My new toy camera. I absolutely love this thing. It's supposed to look like a real 35mm SLR camera, but really it's just a rip off fake. There are actually lead weights in the bottom of the camera to give that SLR camera heft. I can't wait until I get some film and try this thing out!

As far as crocheting goes, I've been making so many hats and bow headbands. They are really a lot of fun to make, and it's really relaxing. They sell pretty well in my shop too. :P

Went on what I call "A crafty adventure" with Andreea last week. We stopped by a small shop in the next town over, and we were pleasantly surprised to find this Pikachu fabric. I am so in love with this stuff, I made Andreea by a yarn so she could make me a Pokemon wallet. 

And I've definetvely been enjoying this Boston Cream Pie Ben & Jerry's. It's so yummy!

And I learned that for my college photography classes I need to invest in a 35mm film SLR camera. So, that means I need to ditch this FujiFilm point and shoot pronto! 


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer List 2011

An overdue list of things I need to do this summer-

1. Dye my hair blue or purple.

2. Get a job.

3. Save up to buy a fancy camera.

4. Crochet a granny square blanket.

5. Learn to knit.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

what is this I don't even

I've been reading for the past 12 hours. I haven't done that in forever. Probably one of my most favorite things about summer; being able to read a book for 12 hours straight, and not having to worry about getting enough sleep.

I've been busy with getting orders together for the past few days. That's both a wonderful feeling, and also a pain in the ass feeling. Meh. 

Also, I want to make a blanket really badly. It's one of those projects that I can put down, and then pick back up at anytime. 

I keep rambling, sorry. I will never publish a book because I jump around too much with my writing. It's like I have ADD. Derp.

I need to do laundry today. And probably make progress on my WIP...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Childhood Memory

My father, my brother (Logan), and I went out to visit some old family property. I haven't been their in about 7 or 8 years, it was really nice. Took a lot of pictures. I basically ran around with my 'real' camera for a while, got a couple shots, and then it died. So, I took out my Droid and used this awesome app called RetroCam to take all of these. I love how they came out.