Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunrise rant of sorts

I normally hate getting up early in the morning, absolutely hate it. It's too early, it's too cold, and I am not a happy camper. Though, yesterday I pulled an all-nighter (stayed up for about 23 hours) and went to Grand Rapids with my mother. On the way there I caught the most beautiful sunrise. It reminded me how lovely it is in the morning, and made me want to start waking up earlier. Thus, I  got up at 6:15am this morning.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

7 Things

7 places I'd like to visit...
  1. London
  2. Berlin
  3. New York
  4. The Caribbean
  5. Paris
  6. Rome
  7. Tokyo 
7 things I'd like to make...
  1. More owl cellphone/ MP3/ Ipod cozies
  2. A backpack
  3. A new makeup pouch
  4. A t-rex plushie
  5. Poly-clay cameo pendants
  6. Tiny bottle charm necklaces
  7. Harry Potter scarves and hats
7 things that annoy me...
  1. Racism 
  2. Job interviews (Mostly because I'm bad at them and they make me nervous)
  3. Pretentious people
  4. When Taco Bell forgets to give me my cinnamon twists
  5. When my stupid "smart phone" dies after only three hours of use
  6. People who take 45 minutes to text back
  7. When people request custom orders, and then never claim them
7 things that make me happy...
  1. Shopping sprees in Hobby Lobby
  2. Packaging up orders
  3. Good Etsy feedback from happy customers
  4. Taking pictures of my cats
  5. Owl related things
  6. Fresh pens and notebooks/ journals
  7. Naps
7 movies that I love...
  1. Kiki's Delivery Service
  2. My Neighbor Totoro 
  3. Harry Potter films
  4. Beauty and the Beast
  5. The Lion King
  6. Sweeney Todd
  7. Pirates of the Caribbean
7 things I'd like to own...
  1. A typewriter
  2. A huge moleskin journal
  3. A fountain pen
  4. A Canon Rebel 
  5. A new laptop
  6. A endless supply of yarn and crochet hooks
  7. My own hybrid coffee-bookstore
7 favorite songs...
(These change daily)
  1. The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
  2. The Warrior by Scandal
  3. Someone Like you by Adele
  4. Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth
  5. Dairy of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
  6. New Soul by Yael Nail
  7. Don't Know why by Norah Jones

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bow Hair clips

I've been making lots of bows lately, I love them. Bow hair clips are the cutest! It takes me about 10 to 15 minutes to make each set, and I can make a lot of them out of a single skein. So, that allows me to be able to sell them 3 for $5. It's a good deal, for both me, and my customers. :)

Make sure to look for them in my shop!
